Scorpio Pole Fitness Family

"Seryoso ka ba?! E parehong kaliwa mga paa mo ?"

"Minsan ang extreme ng mga trip mo." 

There were lots of laughter.  The kind with much disbelief, and heaps of mockery. Yep. I guess that was just how sibling love worked for us.  These were some of their reactions, when I told them about me, enrolling in a pole dancing class.  They were in full support, but before the actual supporting, they just had to ridicule me... done with love of course. 

I was not aware back then that it would be more of a fitness class, rather than dancing lessons.  My siblings knew I had zero talent when it came to dancing, and never in their wildest dreams did they imagine me, trying out pole.  I had the same line of thinking too. I admittedly was, and still am, awful at dancing. Just the thought of me trying to move my waist is enough to make me cringe.  

My colleagues laughed at me too, when they learned about it later.  They were wondering why one day, I came to work, all sore and barely able to move.  If only they knew... I nearly passed out trying to wear my shirt that morning. I couldn't lift my arms! For a girl like me, who was never involved in any regular physical activity, and was already in her mid thirties, it was truly challenging. 

It was not in my personality either, to try something like it... something that seemed so provocative.  Such a contrast to my shy and conservative self.  I do not know what came over me that time, but I had a great first night, and to my surprise, I found myself wanting for more.  It was a good distraction for me.  I was too engrossed in my physical pain, that I did not have too much time to feel my heartache.  I also found a great support system in my pole classmates. I call them my pole sisters (and some, brothers too) now.  Of course, I owe so much to our instructor, who was like our mother, but more of a wild enabler. Haha! Her husband was the coolest too. Both of them were very patient and accommodating.  They have this unique way of making feel people at ease right away.  I love them! 

My pole sisters and I were quick to feel comfortable with each other, as most of us had similar reasons why we tried to pole.  We were dealing with heartbreaks.  I have said before, we bond over the pain (from pole mostly, and woes of the heart on the side), we celebrate each other's gain. The sisterhood in the group was so strong.  We weren't competing with each other.  If anything, we help out one another accomplish our assigned trick.  I did not expect that a great friendship would spring out of it all.  I must admit, my life here in the UAE will be less fun, had I not gotten to know them.  

Here are some of our fun moments: 

Being a part of Scorpio Pole Fitness had changed me a great deal.  It was like going through a make over.  It made me so happy, and after months of despair, I was finally loving my life again. The most important take for me was, they helped me change the way I think of myself.  I started to not care about my flaws, thus, I began wearing what I wanted to wear.  I felt good about myself.  They helped me, love me. ☺💓

I was also amazed by the things I was able to do.  Unconsciously, I was getting physically stronger. Never mind the never healing pole kisses. Nothing can compare to the satisfaction I feel, every time I achieve a certain trick.  

Pole kisses anyone? 

I think this one was caused by the Brass monkey trick. 

I don't remember how this came to be! Haha! 


                Probably due to the Half Jade, or Full Jade. 

Sadly, like most things, nothing lasts forever.  Our instructor Ate Rica, and her husband Kuya Rommel, had to go to the US, during the last quarter of 2018.  With their departure, came the end of my pole days.  Some of my pole sisters bought the poles we used. Once in a while, we would meet and have some DIY pole sessions.  It was never the same though, after Ate Rica left.  

Nonetheless, we still remain friends.  We make sure to meet regularly. The pandemic had made it hard last year though.  We made it up when the restrictions here started to ease little by little. 

I guess I just miss them... and poling too.  

Life here is ever so temporary.  People always come and go.

#scorpiopolefitness #ricashouseofpain #uaechronicles


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