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Axe body spray moment

I remember an Axe body spray commercial, where this famous line was uttered: "Where have you been all my life?" Young and carefree as I was at that time, I didn't give much thought about that tv advertisement.   Yeah, I understood the guy probably smelled so good that the lady had that to say, but like anything else, what you see in television, is always overdone.  Exaggerated. I would say.  It wasn't until that I was in my mid 20's that I discovered I would find myself being able to relate to the commercial.  I learned, that I am attracted to good smell. Hence, my love for perfumes.  If a guy passes by and I would get a whiff of his perfume, and I like the fragrance, my head would just turn by reflex.  Even now, dealing with different people, and working in a hospital, encountering many patients of all ages, both men and women, I could not stop complementing them, when I like their scent.  Especially the ones that I use too, oh goodness.  I just had to say I love

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